2016年4月26日 星期二

Step 2: Creating Scans by 123D Catch

123D Catch is a free app that you can download from the autodesk website. I personally suggest installing the app on phone instead of laptop as it actually gives you a double circle track that guides you through the photographing process. The angle of the photograph taken by phone is more accurate than taking random photos then upload to the laptop to check.  Basically, you only need to take photos around the object follow with the angle guide on the left corner and wait the scans to be upload and made. Also, it takes about 1 to 2 hours to run an object scan, doing this on phone means you don't need to sit in front of your desk and wait forever. 


First attempt:
It takes around 1 hour to run the whole process, but the result is failure. I was told by the lecturer that lightbulb would be really challenging object to scan on 123D catch as its is white and reflective. However, I would like to try and see how much it shows on the app. 


The image turns out twisted and half collapse. The metal and plastic part of the lightbulb comes out in a funny shape, but this can be fitted with a better photographing skills. The main concern is the top rounded bit, it doesn't even show up in the scan result. 

Second & third attempt:
I wrapped around the top of the lightbulb with yellow masking tape and redo the 123D catch. 


The matt surface of the masking tape allows the top part to be shown, but the metal part and other half of the body are still missing. The issue causing failure might not only due to the color and reflection, but also the shape of the lightbulb itself. The rounded shape creates glow with any illumination, even if it's wrapped around with matt surface tape. After three attempt, I decided to change my object.

Fourth attempt:
The fourth attempt was successful, brick is much more easier to be made than the lightbulb. The red solid form and rough surface allows the outline and shape of the brick to be indicated easily. The details and breaking part are well captured with no gaps and holes. 


